Peer Mediation Team of the Year 2024!
Scroll down to see our video that was shown in the House of Commons.
Personal Development at Ocker Hill
Personal Development at Ocker Hill Infants and Nursery school educates children in a rich, stimulating environment, which nurtures them through a variety of experiences. This journey supports them to identify and communicate their uniqueness and contribute positively to their community.
2024-25 New initiative
Personal Development Passport
To celebrate each child's unique journey of development, a Personal Development Passport (PDP) will be issued to each child which will follow them throughout their school life, enabling them to be aware and celebrate their own development and progress. This is anchored by our whole school values, learning characters and careers related learning vision.
As each child achieves and develops, they will work towards the completion of the yearly passport. When they complete their passport, their journey is celebrated amongst the school community earning themselves an enamel personal development badge. This is supported by our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision.
Please click on the link below to see our full SMSC offer at Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School:
British Values and Cultural Capital
Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School aims to help to protect children from extremist and violent views in the same ways that they help to safeguard children from drugs, gangs and alcohol.
Our purpose is to protect children from harm and to ensure that they are taught in a way that is consistent with the law and the country's values.
Ways in which the school supports pupils' moral development include:
- Involving pupils in the annual review of the school codes of behaviour.
- Helping pupils to make decisions that are acceptable to the school community and society at large
- Encouraging healthy self esteem.
- Helping pupils to value physical well-being, privacy, feelings, beliefs and the rights of others.
- Encouraging pupils to explore their feelings in reactions to different stimuli.
- Enabling them to take great pride and encouraging them to feel part of, and to contribute positively to fundamental British values.
- Encouraging them to see the police officers as positive role models and our community partners.
- Developing community cohesion and the prevention of extremism and radicalisation both within our school's physical boundaries and within local, national and global environments.
- Teaching them to respond to community concerns or local disturbances in a positive way which supports British democratic society.
Please click on the link to look at our Cultural Capital document which reflects the range of celebrations and diversity that we learn about at Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery School.
Cultural Capital 2024-2025.pdf
Emotional wellbeing and nurturing
As part of our daily routine, every morning and every lunch time, children have the opportunity to check in with their feelings, using their own created feelings character based on themselves. Staff model this by ‘checking in’ with the children. All children are aware that to be learning ready, we need to be ‘5 to thrive’. Any child who identifies themselves as being sad, worried, upset, hyper, excited or wiggly are spoken to using our emotion coaching pedagogy, enabling children to return to our ‘5’ to continue their learning.
Peer Mediation
Peer Mediation team of the year
“Ocker Hill really is a beacon school for Peer Mediation, showing that it can be done well, even in young children”
Peacemakers March 2024
In Year 2, 20 children have the opportunity to become a peer mediator and become part of the ‘Blue Wing Team’. This gives the oldest children in school the opportunity to positively contribute to their school community. The programme trains children to support their peers on the playground to solve disputes at break and lunchtimes. Identified children receive full mediation training which includes, developing skills to work as a team, understanding types of blaming language, identifying when to ask for an adults help and problem solving. Peer Mediators know their job is important to our school community and supports keeping our playground ‘Happy and Safe’. The programme strongly aligns with our whole school values allowing children to develop their character whilst nurturing their peers.
PSHE/RHE curriculum
At Ocker Hill Infant and Nursery we blend two programmes for the benefit of our children, Jigsaw and 'Healthy Mind, Happy Me'. The 'Healthy Mind, Happy Me' curriculum has been devised as part of Sandwell’s ‘Whole School Approach to Well-Being’. This project has been developed through a partnership between the Sandwell Public Health Department and the Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) team within Inclusion Support. The curriculum map below shows how we have a balance of the two curriculums as well as including our RHE scheme of work from Nursery to Year 2.
Sports Premium 24/25
Review 23/24 and plans for 24/25.