Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

School Council

Ocker Hill Infant have a School Council.

The Council consists of 2 children from each class in Year 1 and Year 2.

The children attend many meetings over the year and discuss share and offer feedback from pupil voice across the school. These children are 'active' in their participation and work hard to ensure that Ocker Hill's values are promoted and demonstrate that 'A Love of Learning gives you Wings' motto.

So far this year, the children have developed and created a child friendly version of the 'attendance policy'; led upon 'Odd Sock Day' to promote diversity and autism awareness, road safety awareness and safety in the home.  They have also worked in the community by visiting a local nursing home and completing some arts and crafts with the residents.  They have produced a booklet for parents and children in how they could use the new Maths Playground Markings before and after school and have surveyed the whole school upon the impact of the Playground Leaders and Peer Mediators during playtimes.

This year the School Council have also taken a lead upon speaking to our increasing visitors into school and are growing in confidence in talking about our school.  They are fully supporting our diversity project and act as role models for the whole school.



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