Welcome to Reception.
There are two YR classes, Tulip Class and Poppy Class. The children in YR continue to access the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
There are three prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage these are:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Emotional and Social Development
There are four specific areas these are:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Structured experiences are provided to help the development of children's early educational skills, i.e. the development of spoken language, early reading skills, early writing skills, early maths skills, observational skills and many more, which are needed for your child to progress successfully to the next stage of education. In Reception, the children access all Areas of Learning from their Curriculum through play. We ensure that our provision for the children both inside and outside enables them to work upon gaps in their learning and make links in their learning. The children also access learning through some adult led activities as well as whole class hooks and maths and phonic sessions.
Take a look at our Curriculum overviews - Autumn 1 - Autumn 1 topic overview.pdf
Autumn 2 - Autumn 2 topic overview .pdf
Spring 1- Spring 1 topic overview.pdf
Spring 2- Spring 2 topic overview.pdf
Summer 1- Summer 1 overview .pdf
Summer 2- Summer 2 topic overview.pdf
We actively encourage parents to be involved in their child's early experiences of school. We hold an Induction meeting in the Summer Term for parents and carers of children who will commence reception classes in the September. Every parent and their child is also invited in for a visit in September before they start school. We also invite parents in regularly for performances, Inspire sessions and Star of the Week. We also use Microsoft Teams for school and parents to communicate between and share information about our curriculum.
When your child moves into a reception class good liaison with the nursery is maintained. Children are assessed using the EYFS Profile at the end of their Reception year. These results together with other evidence from teachers'own assessments help us to set targets for your child to achieve in Year 1.
You are welcome to ask how your child is getting on at any time and there are fixed consultation opportunities during the year.
In Reception children will cover level 2, 3 and 4 phonics. Phonics is taught daily and assessed half-termly. Phonics assessments help ensure children are correctly matched to their home reader book. Home reader books are changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Reception children also have tricky words and decodable words sent home in their ‘tricky words book’ on Fridays.
Phonics overviews
Level 2- Phonics level 2 overview
Level 3- Phonics level-3-overview-weeks-1-9.pdf
Phonics level-3-overview-weeks-10-12.pdf
Level 4- Phonics level-4-overview.pdf
Please see our timetable of a typical week in Reception- Reception timetable.pdf