Ocker Hill Infant School

Ocker Hill Infant School

A love of learning gives you wings

Curriculum Leaders


Meet our Curriculum Leaders.


English Lead - Miss M Bailey

Maths Lead - Mrs N Sherwood.

Science Lead - Mrs T Newell.

History Lead - Miss J Chesterman

Geography Lead - Miss O Barnsley

Art Lead - Miss M Bailey and Mrs T Newell

Religious Education Lead - Miss A Havenhand

Computing Lead - Miss M Bailey

PSHE Lead - Mrs S Beckett

Design and Technology Lead - Miss A. Richards.

Physical Education Lead - Mrs S Beckett.

Music Lead - Mrs N Sherwood.

Educational Visits lead - Mrs M Henderson. 

ECT Induction Tutor - Mrs R Strange

ECT Mentor - Miss M Bailey

PGCE Professional Mentor - Mrs R Strange

PGCE School Mentor - Miss M Bailey